In this era of going green, where maintaining sustainability and saving the environment is prioritised, many organisations are adopting things accordingly as to survive in the market as well as maintaining sustainability. Nokia phones which has a huge market share in the market and is one of the strongest competitor in the field of mobile phones is now going green by introducing a new technology of charging the phones through the power generated by the bicycles. It is the new concept of saving power and using the power which is produced by customer peddling. the charger can be charged by the normal speed of the bicycle and stops when the speed increases, and is compatible enough to use too as it does not contain any complicated method of charging. This technology is applied for few selected Nokia phones only.There is a cut throat competition in the field of new technology innovation as many phones are coming up with new technologies to attract customers But in the competition of the latest technological developments in the field of phones and vehicles can this take a strong part? will this be accepted by the people as new Samsung Tablet PC technology, and apple new speech enabled technology are competing in the market?
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